Managers Training

Run online over 5 weeks, each one hour session covers an element of management in an interactive and engaging way. Topics include:

  • The role of manager

  • Design and build your team

  • Manage and motivate your team

  • Dealing with difficult situations

  • Managing yourself

The course covers all the basics of management along with a smattering of employment law. Throughout each session Antonia will draw on her years of experience in HR to provide a comprehensive and practical overview of management.

A managers toolkit will be provided with some fantastic resources across all areas of management including handling recruitment, disciplinary and grievance processes as well as guidance on managing poor performance. 

This is a great framework for new and inexperienced managers as well as those who feel that they would benefit from a refresh and reflection on their people practices.

Course Dates

  • There are no courses scheduled and the next one is likely to run in October.

Cost: £650+VAT

To Book: Please email to notify us that you would like to attend. We will send details of the next course and, subject to availability, I will send you an invoice to secure your place!

Further information

Here is a breakdown of what is covered on each session in more detail:

Session 1 – the role of manager

  • What is an employee

  • basics of employment law including the risk of tribunal and importance of following procedure

  • employee statutory and contractual rights as well as the wider legislatory context

  • what do we mean by effective management

  • leadership styles


Session 2 - design and build your team

  • Design the role - the importance of Job descriptions and recruiting criteria

  • How to design a recruitment process suitable for the vacancy

  • Behavioural style interviewing

  • Recruitment risks including unconscious bias and how to avoid discrimination

  • Legal compliance and contracts of employment

  • Induction, onboarding and the use of the probation period


Session 3 - manage and motivate your team

  • What is the benefit of having a motivated team

  • Theories of motivation and meeting need

  • The purpose of the appraisal process and how to align to business priorities

  • Motivating through appraisal and providing feedback

  • Setting SMART objectives


Session 4 - dealing with difficult situations

  • The legal reasons for dismissal

  • Understand the difference between managing situations in an informal and a formal way

  • Legal process requirements before dismissal

  • Models for providing employees with feedback

  • Exploration of a coaching approach for management and giving feedback

  • How to manage under performance

  • Discussion of a number of scenarios to consolidate knowledge

Session 5 - managing yourself

  • The biggest challenges of being in a management position

  • Managing time

  • Applying a coaching approach in the workplace

  • Self care and managing own stress, as well as that of others

All delegates will be sent a Managers Toolkit to reference alongside the course which is a pdf booklet that provides step by step guidance on all the HR processes in line with best practice and employment law, eg, recruitment, onboarding, induction, probation, appraisal, grievance, disciplinary, sickness absence etc.. and is a really useful resource.

All delegates will also be sent the slides for each session in advance so that they can reference them during the session.